The European
Axis of Weasels exclaimed
the NY POST referring to the notorious French, the new German government’s and
“righteous” Belgium’s opposition to military action in Iraq.
With such
friends who needs enemies (such as North Korea and Iraq).
anti-Americanism is notorious.
The French are hanging on to memories of the past, when they held some prestige and their word did carry some weight. Those days are long gone and their envy of the thriving US, the relatively new-comer on the block and their one time protégé is prodigious. They prefer to immerse themselves in philosophical debates and dine over wine and fromage while entertaining Lebanese ,Syrian and Iranian officials. As much as they hate Americans, they hate Israel even more. For some wild reason they turn a blind eye to
Moslem outrageous human rights violations and oppression, and the ominous threat of Radical Islam, preferring to be fascinated by mysticism. Undoubtably their large Moslem minority population (fully 6 million or 10 percent of the French population is Moslem) has a saying in the rampant Anti-Semitism and Anti- Americanism that has recently peaked.
I wonder how do the French excuse their crimes throughout Africa, their backing of military dictatorship in Algeria, the Rwandan genocide, and their interventions in the Ivory Coast.
They still occupy
about a dozen islands including Martinique and Guadeloupe.
Oddly enough not a single word was uttered in the UN, let alone anyone debated or approved the French interventions, the Russian war and occupation of Chechnya or Chinese atrocities in Tibet. NATO’s intervention in Yugoslavia went on without UN approval and restored peace and liberty in the heart of Europe.
But when it
is time to crush the Iraqi
tyrant, proud follower of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and
Pol Pot they cry foul play. This is
completely intolerable and entirely typical of Rumsfeld’s “Old Europe”. This
appeasement at all costs, avoidance of criticism of Moslem and Third World
countries while continuously attacking the US democracy who is a fighting for
it’s values and self preservation is something that Israel is very accustomed
with .
My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British
Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe
it is peace for our time... said Neville Chamberlain in 1936
when together with the French appeased
Hitler, by offering him part of Czechoslovakia. Tragically in his letter to
his sister he also praised Hitler “Now here is a man, a true statesman, a
man I feel I can really trust."
Several tens of millions casualties later, it was the
Americans that liberated the French and much of Europe from the Nazis and their
collaborators, and help rebuild a free and democratic western Europe. Such
European hypocrisy!
Saddam started the 10 year, 1 million
casulties war with Iran; he wiped out Kuwait, gassed kurds indiscriminately and
eliminates thousands of his fellow
If it wasn't for the tough
US and British stand and the Israeli destruction of his Nuclear Reactor, we all might be cowering in caves
now, out of fear of him and his allied terrorist's WMD.
No-one likes war, but it is now
necessary in order to secure the world’s future!
It seems that the United Nations as well, long shunned by
pragmatists, is soon to pass into oblivion if it doesn’t follow through with
it’s resolutions. It is held hostage by Third
World countries and Moslem nations which bring innumerable and a
disproportionate number of anti Israeli resolutions (and ignore the real
world’s problems.
It is beyond disgrace to
see the UN Security Council headed by Syria, have soon Iraq preside over the UN
Conference on Disarmament and Libya chair the United Nations Commission on
Human Rights. The entire UN organizaton slips into irrelevancy by providing a
tragic – comic stage to those renegade states.
And yet there is hope! There are
other less noisy but numerous voices in Europe. Besides steadfast Britain, most
of Europe lined up behind the US. From Spain to Hungary, Italy to Czech Republic an invigorating
letter of US support was signed by their respective prime ministers. Overall 18 European countries
endorsed the US lead although they are the less vociferous crowd.
Yes there are some left wing hippies, moslems, human rights activists, peaceniks and bunch of losers that took to the streets in cities across the world, including in the US . No doubt that those last ones would also be the first to take to the streets after another 9/11 demanding to know why nothing was done to protect them!
Luckily the large majority
of people understands that tucking the head in the sand is not the answer.
I am
concluding on a humorous note : Hold a "No War on Iraq" rally and
you'll end up with:
…leaving 9% actually
protesting a war with Iraq. And of those, less than 2% will be able to tell you
WELL THIS WHY NOT! I took the banner off of Dean Esmay's site.
Reverend Jackson, let me speak! By Amir
'Could I have the
microphone for one minute to tell the people about my life?' asked the Iraqi
I spent part of last
Saturday with the so-called "antiwar" marchers in London in the
company of some Iraqi friends. Our aim had been to persuade the organizers to
let at least one Iraqi voice to be heard. Soon, however, it became clear that
the organizers were as anxious to stifle the voice of the Iraqis in exile as was
Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
The Iraqis had come with
placards reading "Freedom for Iraq" and "American rule, a hundred
thousand times better than Takriti tyranny!"
But the tough guys who
supervised the march would have none of that. Only official placards,
manufactured in thousands and distributed among the "spontaneous"
marchers, were allowed. These read "Bush and Blair, baby-killers,"
" Not in my name," "Freedom for Palestine" and "Indict
Bush and Sharon."
Not one placard demanded
that Saddam should disarm to avoid war.
The goons also confiscated
photographs showing the tragedy of Halabja, the Kurdish town where Saddam's
forces gassed 5,000 people to death in 1988.
We managed to reach some
of the stars of the show, including Reverend Jesse Jackson, the self-styled
champion of American civil rights. One of our group, Salima Kazim, an Iraqi
grandmother, managed to attract the reverend's attention and told him how Saddam
Hussein had murdered her three sons because they had been dissidents in the
Ba'ath Party; and how one of her grandsons had died in the war Saddam had
launched against Kuwait in 1990.
"Could I have the
microphone for one minute to tell the people about my life?" 78-year old
Salima demanded.
The reverend was not
"Today is not about
Saddam Hussein," he snapped. "Today is about Bush and Blair and the
massacre they plan in Iraq." Salima had to beat a retreat, with all of us
following, as the reverend's gorillas closed in to protect his holiness.
We next spotted former
film star Glenda Jackson, apparently manning a stand where "antiwar"
characters could sign up to become " human shields" to protect
Saddam's military installations against American air attacks.
"These people are
mad," said Awad Nasser, one of Iraq's most famous modernist poets.
"They are actually signing up to sacrifice their lives to protect a
tyrant's death machine."
The former film star, now
a Labor Party member of parliament, had no time for "side issues" such
as the 1.2 million Iraqis, Iranians and Kuwaitis who have died as a result of
Saddam's various wars.
We thought we might have a
better chance with Charles Kennedy, a boyish-looking, red-headed Scot who leads
the misnamed Liberal Democrat Party. But he, too, had no time for "complex
issues" that could not be raised at a mass rally.
"The point of what we
are doing here is to tell the American and British governments that we are
against war," he pontificated. "There will be ample time for other
But was it not amazing
that there could be a rally about Iraq without any mention of what Saddam and
his regime have done over almost three decades? Just a little hint, perhaps,
that Saddam was still murdering people in his Qasr al-Nayhayah (Palace of the
End) prison, and that as the Westerners marched, Iraqis continued to die?
Not a chance.
We then ran into Tony Benn,
a leftist septuagenarian who has recycled himself as a television reporter to
interview Saddam in Baghdad.
But we knew there was no
point in talking to him. The previous night he had appeared on TV to tell the
Brits that his friend Saddam was standing for "the little people"
against "hegemonistic America."
"Are these people
ignorant, or are they blinded by hatred of the United States?" Nasser the
poet demanded.
THE IRAQIS would had much
to tell the "antiwar" marchers, had they had a chance to speak. Fadel
Sultani, president of the National Association of Iraqi authors, would have told
the marchers that their action would encourage Saddam to intensify his
"I had a few
questions for the marchers," Sultani said. "Did they not realize that
oppression, torture and massacre of innocent civilians are also forms of war?
Are the antiwar marchers only against a war that would liberate Iraq, or do they
also oppose the war Saddam has been waging against our people for a
Sultani could have told
the peaceniks how Saddam's henchmen killed dissident poets and writers by
pushing page after page of forbidden books down their throats until they choked.
Hashem al-Iqabi, one of
Iraq's leading writers and intellectuals, had hoped the marchers would mention
the fact that Saddam had driven almost four million Iraqis out of their homes
and razed more than 6,000 villages to the ground.
"The death and
destruction caused by Saddam in our land is the worst since Nebuchadnezzar,"
he said. "These prosperous, peaceful and fat Europeans are marching in
support of evil incarnate." He said that, watching the march, he felt
Nazism was "alive and well and flexing its muscles in Hyde Park."
Abdel-Majid Khoi, son of
the late Grand Ayatollah Khoi, Iraq's foremost religious leader for almost 40
years, spoke of the "deep moral pain" he feels when hearing the
so-called " antiwar" discourse.
"The Iraqi nation is
like a man who is kept captive and tortured by a gang of thugs," Khoi said.
"The proper moral position is to fly to help that man liberate himself and
bring the torturers to book. But what we witness in the West is the opposite:
support for the torturers and total contempt for the victim."
Khoi said he would say
"ahlan wasahlan" (welcome) to anyone who would liberate Iraq.
"When you are being
tortured to death you are not fussy about who will save you," he said.
Ismail Qaderi, a former
Ba'athist official but now a dissident, wanted to tell the marchers how Saddam
systematically destroyed even his own party, starting by murdering all but one
of its 16 original leaders.
"Those who see Saddam
as a symbol of socialism, progress and secularism in the Arab world must be
mad," he said.
Khalid Kishtaini, Iraq's
most famous satirical writer, added his complaint.
"Don't these marchers
know that the only march possible in Iraq under Saddam Hussein is from the
prison to the firing-squad?" he asked. "The Western marchers behave as
if the US wanted to invade Switzerland, not Iraq under Saddam Hussein."
WITH ALL doors shutting in
our faces we decided to drop out of the show and watch the political zoology of
the march from the sidelines.
Who were these people who
felt such hatred of their democratic governments and such intense self-loathing?
There were the usual
suspects: the remnants of the Left, from Stalinists and Trotskyites to caviar
socialists. There were the pro-abortionists, the anti-GM food crowd, the
anti-capital punishment militants, the Black-rights gurus, the anti-Semites, the
"burn Israel" lobby, the "Bush-didn't-win-Florida" zealots,
the unilateral disarmers, the anti-Hollywood "cultural exception"
merchants, and the guilt-ridden postmodernist "everything is equal to
everything else" philosophers.
But the bulk of the crowd
consisted of fellow travelers, those innocent citizens who, prompted by idealism
or boredom, are always prepared to play the role of "useful idiots,"
as Lenin used to call them.
They ignored the fact that
the peoples of Iraq are unanimous in their prayers for the war of liberation to
come as quickly as possible.
The number of marchers did
not impress Salima, the grandmother.
"What is wrong does
not become right because many people say it," she asserted, bidding us
farewell while the marchers shouted "Not in my name!"
Let us hope that when Iraq
is liberated, as it soon will be, the world will remember that it was not done
in the name of Rev. Jackson, Charles Kennedy, Glenda Jackson, Tony Benn and
their companions in a march of shame.
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